Saturday, January 19, 2013


(1) Bill Huff - Google+

2013's moral question is "Combining political rherotic purposely aimed at establishing "fear" among it's constitutents combined with institutional financial organizations representing retirees' practicing a moral investment plan placing making a profit for their investors over people's welfare makes such participants partly responsible for proliferation of automatic weapons accompanied by overly generous gun bullet magazines saturating 2013 market place.  

In 1994, republican conservative fundamentalism---practiced by a minority in republican party that touts God’s will as being absolutely free to do whatever it wants, as opposed to being subordinate to the good determined by the divine nature.  This conservative religious/political concept was greatly enhanced by recent Supreme Court decision removing monetary boundaries on poltiical corporate contributions, promoting a devasting political/religious strategy. This political/religious marriage enhanced by a republican controlled America's Supreme Court enhanced republican conservative movement's  monetary power.  

For past 19 years (since 1994) money and political strategies with some religious acquiescence created "game changing" behavior within Catholic's & other religious and political (republican) communities.  Behavior of some politicans and religous leaders peformed on the "Media stage" as backers of freedom as they passed legislation limiting American freedoms (Patriot Act).  They screamed about abuse to freedom while they carried out savage behaviors handily profiled daily through a media mostly controlled by Corporate America. Political carnage enhanced by Supreme Court enhanced the marriage of politics with acquisence of Catholic's and other religious entities while profit making knew no boundaries. 

Due to an alleged mentally imbalanced American who deliberatley with malice slaughtered 20 American children while they were in their schools.  This was a sledge hammer to the face of American society who had been silent for too long forcing them to look at themselves and face up to implementing responsible gun control, which has been constantly opposed by the NRA and it's followers and adopted by conservative fundamentalism! The truth's being preached from pulpits of shared responsibility fell on deaf ears.  Meantime American media professional reporting deterioated as making profits too over since most news broadcasts come for corporate managers. American society has l to look at itself considering replacing path of profit, value of human beings lives! 

At this point in 2013 America's society has been forced to look at itself in the mirror to see if it likes what it sees and has the courage to save itself.    

 A partial list of the institutional investors that committed money to the Cerberus fund. One of the investors, the California State Teachers’ Retirement System, which put in $500 million, has already announced that it will divest its gun holdings. “We shouldn’t be investing in things like that,” says Bill Lockyer, the California state treasurer. He noted that assault weapons are illegal in California.
Most of the other big investors, however, have kept their heads down. TIAA-CREF, the financial services giant, committed $147.8 million to the Series IV fund. (“No comment,” said a spokesman.) The State of Wisconsin Investment Board put up $100 million. The University of Texas endowment made a $75 million commitment; the Regents of the University of California kicked in $40 million; theUniversity of Missouri endowment was an investor. So were the Los Angeles Fire and Police Pension system, the Indiana Public Retirement System, and the Pennsylvania Public School Employees’ Retirement System (which kicked in $400 million). And plenty of others.

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